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Big Game Hunting Podcast

Apr 27, 2023

Evan Siembida from Siembida custom knives is back with us on the podcast today to talk about hunting with hounds and knives (yes, you heard that right). He recently designed a new type of knife specifically for pig sticking and he went on a couple of pretty exciting hog hunts down here in Texas to test that...

Apr 20, 2023

I get emails all the time from people asking me questions about the logistics of hunting Africa: what’s the best airline, how do I take my rifle with me, what vaccinations do I need, how do I pay for my hunt, how much should I tip, what’s the deal with taxidermy, how do I get my trophies home after the hunt, etc....

Apr 13, 2023

Mike Arnold is back on the show again today to talk to us about his recent trip to the west African country of Cameroon. We’ll discuss how his trip went, what the hunting is like there, and also discuss another few examples of the benefits of well-regulated hunting for both the local population and wildlife in...

Apr 6, 2023

Kevin Robertson is back on the show again today and gives us a glimpse behind the curtain when it comes to how to become a Professional Hunter (PH) in Zimbabwe, what the training is like to get that certification, and a look at the practical and business side of being a professional hunter and an outfitter in...