Jun 16, 2022
We have Evan Siembida from Siembida Custom knives with us on the podcast today to talk about everything knife related: the difference between a custom knife and a mass produced knife, what makes his knife special, the ins and outs of sharpening knives, blade and handle materials, etc. We also talk about a few things you should NEVER do to a hunting knife, especially a high end knife.
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Contact Evan on Instagram at Siembida_Custom_Knives or call him at 740-270-9057
Everyone who purchases Hunting Guns 101 or Muzzleloaders 101 will receive a special code they can redeem with Evan to get a special bonus with their knife for free.
Show Notes: https://thebiggamehuntingblog.com/podcast/hunting-knives-101-with-evan-siembida/